# Account Deletion Request


If you would like to delete your account and associated data from our platform tabib academy, please follow the steps below:

1. **Compose Email**: Open your preferred email client and create a new email.

2. **Recipient**: Address the email to [mhodhod23@gmail.com].

3. **Subject**: Set the subject as "Account Deletion Request".

4. **Body**: In the body of the email, please provide the following information:

   - Your registered email address associated with the account.

   - Specify that you are requesting the deletion of your account and all related data.

We want to assure you that upon processing your account deletion request, all your data will be permanently and irreversibly deleted. This includes, but is not limited to:

- Personal Information: Any information that can identify you personally.

- Usage History: Records of your usage and interactions within the application.

**Retention Period**: We do not retain any of your data after your account is deleted.

We will process your account deletion request in a timely manner and confirm the completion of the process via email.

For any further assistance or inquiries regarding account deletion, please feel free to reach out to us at [mhodhod23@gmail.com].

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Best regards,

Mahmoud Hodhod

Tabeeb academy app